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Video: Gabiro Mtu Necessary – International Local ft. Videz

Gabiro Mtu NecessaryFollowing the successful release of the hit single Nitembezee featuring Kenya’s top recording and stage act Kidis the Jembe, self-proclaimed Kisumu president and most sort after award winning lyricist Gabiro Mtu Necessary is back with a new song featuring his producer Videz of Hybrid beats.

Multi-talented writer,  Gabiro Mtu Necessary, released the visuals of his new song International Local that has been on rapid social media promotional buzz for over two weeks.  The video was directed by Crizo Mzeyah who is the brain behind all his previous music and lyric videos something that shows the close bond between the two over the years.

The two artists; Gabiro and Videz have a unique sense of identity that makes them stand out in a field characterized by cut throat competition. The diversity in the different acts has brought a spiced flavor that Kenyan music lovers and listeners all over the world can identify with.

 “International Local is one of those songs that tries to enlighten us that your favorite international artist was also once a local artist or maybe they still are local but on a much elevated platform that makes all of us see them in that context”, Gabiro adds speaking to NetbuzzAfrica.com. Check out the video below.


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