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Bisa Kdei – Pocket Ft. Sarkodie (Official Video)

Bisa Kdei - Pocket Ft. Sarkodie (Official Video)“Pocket” music video by Bisa Kdei featuring Sarkodie has been finally released.

A motivational song off the Highlife Konnect album by the sensational singer Bisa Kdei. The song sends a message to every person facing temptations in life, to not give up.

It inspires.

Pocket” which has a well narrated music video directed by Yaw Skyface doubles as one of the best collaboration between the best rapper on the continent, Sarkodie, and highlife singer, Bisa Kdei. The duo have been on similar inspirational songs including Chingam and Kutu.

The video ends with a quote advising the public to stop child abuse. The quote in French also adds that “nobody knows what tomorrow will bring remain positive and hope for the best.”



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