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E.L – Thinkin (Official Video)

E.L - Thinkin (Official Video)We finally get to see the visuals for E.L’s song, ‘Thinkin’, a piece off his well received BVR mixtape.

‘Thinkin’ carries a striking trap bounce and has E.L singing mostly on the track. Just like the title suggest, ‘Thinkin’ reflect the musings of a girl who has had enough of her man’s ‘trashy’ ways; and is considering packing out of it. ”I heard you nu nu with your bae, ay, ay/now you party every weekend/popping bottles with your new friends”, he sings in his rasping voice.

The gulf between the two lovers appears distant as the ”switching on me/’you’ve been distant” lyric reveal. To keep herself occupied, she resort to drinking and hanging out with her friends- a situation which is far from what it was previously.

Directed by Lex MacCarthy, the visual sees E.L in a lively mood and topless throughout the video with happy girls all around. He gradually woos his way to the said lady’s heart while he flexes his abs.


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