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Watch: Adekunle Gold – Kelegbe Megbe (Know Your Level)

Adekunle Gold – Kelegbe Megbe (Know Your Level) Urban Highlife superstar of Nigerian descent Adekunle Gold, had a good start this and his works so far are what any artiste deserves to be putting out.

He released ‘Before You Wake Up’ few months ago and the buzz around it is worth the talk. He’s been building up anticipation for his new record “Kelegbe Megbe” which means Know Your Level and the visuals is not entirely a stark!

The anticipated single which arrived takes more of his new life and it centers around a totally different style from most of his songs.

Adekunle Gold, The afrobeat-centred singer had Sess produced Kelegbe Megbe. Check the visuals below.


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